Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test
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Functional Hearing Assessment System

Designed for command-and-control organisations

We are proud to introduce the first dedicated Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test designed for police forces and other blue-light services. Our dedicated SiN test has been developed in association with the ISVR (University of Southampton) and the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC), and has been incorporated into a Functional Hearing Assessment System (FHAS).

FHAS combines standard audiometric testing procedures, automated workflow management, and class-leading technology to deliver a bespoke and comprehensive hearing assessment system.

The full system

FHAS combines standard pure tone audiometry (computer / self-recording) along with automatic results categorisations including HSE, College of Policing, PULHHEEMS, in addition to the Speech-in-Noise test. Our FHAS builds on our reputation of delivering solutions for the occupational health industry which help them to save time and be more efficient – improving their capabilities to provide a better service to patients.

The system is ideal for safety critical health surveillance programmes and has been proven as a reliable and repeatable predictor of hearing ability in complex listening environments. It also enables users to differentiate between hearing ability levels for normal and hearing-impaired subjects.

Key features

  • Objective and auditable, making it ideal for key decision making
  • Provides a potential reduction in medical referral costs
  • Minimises absence from work due to immediate functional hearing test results
  • Offers a fully automated test and referral system which improves accuracy when recording results and issuing appropriate guidance
  • Enables employers to meet hearing acuity and ability measurements according to relevant industry standards (Pre-placement, CoP, HSE, PULHHEEMS)
  • Operational expertise can be retained within the organisation, especially for experienced and highly trained officers

How does the Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test work?

As part of the FHAS, the Amplivox SiN test assesses hearing ability in environments that have been replicated from real-life situations that police officers and service personnel might operate in.

This test establishes the quietest level at which a subject can repeatedly hear and understand a command in a complex listening environment. It consists of two parts which assess the effect of sensorineural hearing loss as well as auditory processing ability.

Commands are given within a relevant background noise through standard audiometric headphones, and the subject is required to enter their selection of variables through a visual display unit (VDU) such as a touchscreen tablet.

What are the benefits of a Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test?

Speech-in-Noise (SiN) testing is considered a more accurate assessment of overall hearing ability in comparison to pure tone audiometry, which only assesses hearing acuity. SiN tests are used in many applications including hearing aid fitting, clinical diagnosis and measurement of functional capacity of the hearing system, providing clinicians and hearing care professionals with highly valuable information about the actual SiN understanding of the test subject.

What makes our Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test different?

Our Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test is based on a Coordinate Response Measure (CRM) test. This particular SiN test has been chosen because of its ability to represent many police requirements with a simple command structure, whilst delivering an objective and repeatable assessment.

This SiN test assesses hearing alongside auditory processing performance within a variety of relevant background environments. It also assesses tests within a variety of communication formats, ensuring assessments are made based on complex listening environments which reflect real-life situations.